Always set your mood positively every morning. Because the best way to do everything it to start something While Smiling!!!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Dite e ftohte Janari.....
Sot do ishte nje pervjetor i bukur,do kujtonim castet tona,si u njohem!
E mbaj mend ate dite me shi,sic jane ditet ketu. Syte e tu me preken e une me naivitetin tim te buzeqesha! Ishte e para here qe pas asaj qe kishte ndodhur ti qeshja dikujt.Biseda jone filloi,vazhdoi........................
Me ty ndihesha vetja ime,me plotesoje zemren!Deshirat e perbashketa na afruan me shume.Cdo bisede,telefonate me ty ishte me shume se kenaqesi.
Ashtu filloi dashuria.........
Thurem plane,jeten ne vazhdim.Une vazhdoja shkollen e ti punoje.Prinderit tane ishin ata qe na udhezuan me shume se cdo njeri.
Edhe pse po ecnim si me hapa bebesh,perseri jeta me ty nuk ishte monotone.Shoqeria jone teper e kendshme.Nete te tera pa gjume duke biseduar pa pushim,duke pare ne sy njeri tjetrin.Me pyesje:- kush i ka syte me te bukur une apo ti?Syte e mi pasqyronin ngrohtesine e dashurine qe kisha per ty.Syte e *tua qeshnin, tregonin dicka.....por cfare??.....
Bashke u perplasem me shume probleme e prape bashke i kaluam.
Me ngacmoje me fjale,me beje qe qaj, te qesh.Isha si nje femije i lumtur qe jeta i dha nje shans per te jetuar perseri ne kete bote te frikshme.
Por gjithcka nje dite u shua.....Nje telefonate.........nje ze ne fund te telefonit qe fliste per ty.Njerezit per'rreth bisedonin e syte e tyre me shikonin me meshire.
Ajo qe kurre nuk ja pata friken ishte mes nesh.Nje i trete...
Gjithmone te kisha kerkuar te ishe i sinqerte me mua.Shume persona na kishin zili per ate qe kishim ne.
Filluan justifikimet ato qe urreja me shume.Nuk dija kush isha me sepse ne veten time kisha humbur llogjiken per te kuptuar cpo ndodhte.Kush ishe ti?
Plot 12 ore duke biseduar,duke shpjeguar e zeri yt sme dukej me i embel,syte me dukeshin sikur e kishin te shkruar ne to Faj.
Me kerkove te falur me ore te tera,qame te dy e ti zgjasje doren per te fshire lotet e mia,ste duroja dot prane.Ato duar ishin te ashpra,te ftohta,te huaja.Pse ma bere kete?Nuk te mjaftoi besimi im,respekti,dashuria ime?Ste kishin mjaftuar lotet e buzqeshjet e mia?
Gjithcka e vrave me doren e trupin tend,me mendjen tende te amshorit.Kufinjte e mi i dije,e ti nuk pyete shkele mbi to.
Oret e minutat kalonin e se kuptoja cpo beja akoma me ty.Zbardhi dita, ulur te dy ne pak distance me njeri tjetrin,degjoja ty.Fjalet tingellonin shume zhurmshem.Ne mendjen time kisha deshire te te perqafoja,te te puthja te hidhja gjithcka pas kraheve por zemra sme bente.Nuk kisha guxim as te rrija me e as te ikja.Te rrija e te beja veten te besonte ne dicka qe sja lejoja vetes e as ty, apo te ikja krenare qe nuk te lashe te marresh neper kembe dinjitetin tim?
Kafeja qe bere mu duk e hidhur,si helm.Syte e zgurdulluar,nga pagjumesia e me lot shoqeronin kafene e mengjesit, te fundit bashke.
Me premtove boten,zemren,dashurine tende e me dhe tradhetine.Si mund te jetoja une me mendimet ne koken time qe ti kishe falur gjithcka time dikujt tjeter?Qe trupi yt kishte prekur dike tjeter?? Si mund te rrija me ty qe humbe besimin tim?
Cdo fjale tenden e respektova,familjen tende qe me mungon dhe sot e kesaj dite, e perseri ti nuk pyete!
Ste mjaftuan ato kisha kaluar?Kujtove se isha kaq e forte sa te le nje njeri si ty te shkele mbi cdo gje timen?? Kurre...
U ngrita e mora ne duart e mia,doren tende.Ste shihja ne sy sepse kisha frike se mos syte e tu do me genjenin perseri.
---Te desha e te dua,por veprimet e tua bene qe gjithcka te perfundoje ketu.Cdo kujtim tonin fshije nga kujtesa sepse nuk ja vlen me.
Te uroj fat ne te ardhmen,te gjesh ate qe kerkon,por me shume te uroj te gjesh veten tende sepse do vije nje dite qe ti do humbesh me shume se mua ne kete rruge.Mendja apo syri te genjyen,se di por pas gjithe kesaj uroj te jetosh i lumtur.---
U lute i gjunjezuar,premtove qe sdo ndodhte me,por ne thellesine e shpirtit tim smunda te fal.
Te putha ashtu ftohte dhe dola nga ajo dhome qe mbante shume sekrete tonat.
Me dite te tera u mbylla ne dhomen time.E nje dite tek po shkoja ne shkolle takova babain tend.Nuk durova dot me e fillova te qaj ne krahet e tij! Ai qante e fliste duke dashur te me qetesoje mua.Ndenja pak minuta me te e me kerkoi te falur per ate qe kishe bere ti.Me puthi duart e me tha qe ne syte e tij do isha perhere nje engjell.Fjalet e tij me preken ne zemer por fatkeqsisht tani nuk isha me engjelli i askujt,pervec se familjes time.
Qe nga ajo dite une dhe ti shume here jemi pare ne rruge,kemi rastisur edhe ne te njejtin vend duke patur shoqerine e njejte por si per cudi zemra ime nuk rreh me shpejtesi per ty me. Eshte teper e cuditshme se si dy njerez qe kane ndare nje pjese te jetes bashke, tani sjane gje tjeter vetem dy te "panjohur" per njeri tjetrin.
Jeta vazhdon edhe pse me veshtiresi.Ti diku jeton jeten tende pa mua,une timen pa ty.Te tjere do na bejne te lumtur qe te dyve.
Sot sdi pse mendova per ty,por kujtova diten kur u njohem bashke.Gjithmone me thoje ;-sa shume mban mend dhe ti-, e tani *e kuptoj qe ke patur te drejte.Ca dite apo data duhen harruar sa do e veshtire per ti fshire nga kujtesa.
Historia jone filloi..........vazhdoi......perfundoi me nje puthje te ftohte.
Sot do doja te te pyesja: A ja vleu sadopak ajo qe bere??
E mbaj mend ate dite me shi,sic jane ditet ketu. Syte e tu me preken e une me naivitetin tim te buzeqesha! Ishte e para here qe pas asaj qe kishte ndodhur ti qeshja dikujt.Biseda jone filloi,vazhdoi........................
Me ty ndihesha vetja ime,me plotesoje zemren!Deshirat e perbashketa na afruan me shume.Cdo bisede,telefonate me ty ishte me shume se kenaqesi.
Ashtu filloi dashuria.........
Thurem plane,jeten ne vazhdim.Une vazhdoja shkollen e ti punoje.Prinderit tane ishin ata qe na udhezuan me shume se cdo njeri.
Edhe pse po ecnim si me hapa bebesh,perseri jeta me ty nuk ishte monotone.Shoqeria jone teper e kendshme.Nete te tera pa gjume duke biseduar pa pushim,duke pare ne sy njeri tjetrin.Me pyesje:- kush i ka syte me te bukur une apo ti?Syte e mi pasqyronin ngrohtesine e dashurine qe kisha per ty.Syte e *tua qeshnin, tregonin dicka.....por cfare??.....
Bashke u perplasem me shume probleme e prape bashke i kaluam.
Me ngacmoje me fjale,me beje qe qaj, te qesh.Isha si nje femije i lumtur qe jeta i dha nje shans per te jetuar perseri ne kete bote te frikshme.
Por gjithcka nje dite u shua.....Nje telefonate.........nje ze ne fund te telefonit qe fliste per ty.Njerezit per'rreth bisedonin e syte e tyre me shikonin me meshire.
Ajo qe kurre nuk ja pata friken ishte mes nesh.Nje i trete...
Gjithmone te kisha kerkuar te ishe i sinqerte me mua.Shume persona na kishin zili per ate qe kishim ne.
Filluan justifikimet ato qe urreja me shume.Nuk dija kush isha me sepse ne veten time kisha humbur llogjiken per te kuptuar cpo ndodhte.Kush ishe ti?
Plot 12 ore duke biseduar,duke shpjeguar e zeri yt sme dukej me i embel,syte me dukeshin sikur e kishin te shkruar ne to Faj.
Me kerkove te falur me ore te tera,qame te dy e ti zgjasje doren per te fshire lotet e mia,ste duroja dot prane.Ato duar ishin te ashpra,te ftohta,te huaja.Pse ma bere kete?Nuk te mjaftoi besimi im,respekti,dashuria ime?Ste kishin mjaftuar lotet e buzqeshjet e mia?
Gjithcka e vrave me doren e trupin tend,me mendjen tende te amshorit.Kufinjte e mi i dije,e ti nuk pyete shkele mbi to.
Oret e minutat kalonin e se kuptoja cpo beja akoma me ty.Zbardhi dita, ulur te dy ne pak distance me njeri tjetrin,degjoja ty.Fjalet tingellonin shume zhurmshem.Ne mendjen time kisha deshire te te perqafoja,te te puthja te hidhja gjithcka pas kraheve por zemra sme bente.Nuk kisha guxim as te rrija me e as te ikja.Te rrija e te beja veten te besonte ne dicka qe sja lejoja vetes e as ty, apo te ikja krenare qe nuk te lashe te marresh neper kembe dinjitetin tim?
Kafeja qe bere mu duk e hidhur,si helm.Syte e zgurdulluar,nga pagjumesia e me lot shoqeronin kafene e mengjesit, te fundit bashke.
Me premtove boten,zemren,dashurine tende e me dhe tradhetine.Si mund te jetoja une me mendimet ne koken time qe ti kishe falur gjithcka time dikujt tjeter?Qe trupi yt kishte prekur dike tjeter?? Si mund te rrija me ty qe humbe besimin tim?
Cdo fjale tenden e respektova,familjen tende qe me mungon dhe sot e kesaj dite, e perseri ti nuk pyete!
Ste mjaftuan ato kisha kaluar?Kujtove se isha kaq e forte sa te le nje njeri si ty te shkele mbi cdo gje timen?? Kurre...
U ngrita e mora ne duart e mia,doren tende.Ste shihja ne sy sepse kisha frike se mos syte e tu do me genjenin perseri.
---Te desha e te dua,por veprimet e tua bene qe gjithcka te perfundoje ketu.Cdo kujtim tonin fshije nga kujtesa sepse nuk ja vlen me.
Te uroj fat ne te ardhmen,te gjesh ate qe kerkon,por me shume te uroj te gjesh veten tende sepse do vije nje dite qe ti do humbesh me shume se mua ne kete rruge.Mendja apo syri te genjyen,se di por pas gjithe kesaj uroj te jetosh i lumtur.---
U lute i gjunjezuar,premtove qe sdo ndodhte me,por ne thellesine e shpirtit tim smunda te fal.
Te putha ashtu ftohte dhe dola nga ajo dhome qe mbante shume sekrete tonat.
Me dite te tera u mbylla ne dhomen time.E nje dite tek po shkoja ne shkolle takova babain tend.Nuk durova dot me e fillova te qaj ne krahet e tij! Ai qante e fliste duke dashur te me qetesoje mua.Ndenja pak minuta me te e me kerkoi te falur per ate qe kishe bere ti.Me puthi duart e me tha qe ne syte e tij do isha perhere nje engjell.Fjalet e tij me preken ne zemer por fatkeqsisht tani nuk isha me engjelli i askujt,pervec se familjes time.
Qe nga ajo dite une dhe ti shume here jemi pare ne rruge,kemi rastisur edhe ne te njejtin vend duke patur shoqerine e njejte por si per cudi zemra ime nuk rreh me shpejtesi per ty me. Eshte teper e cuditshme se si dy njerez qe kane ndare nje pjese te jetes bashke, tani sjane gje tjeter vetem dy te "panjohur" per njeri tjetrin.
Jeta vazhdon edhe pse me veshtiresi.Ti diku jeton jeten tende pa mua,une timen pa ty.Te tjere do na bejne te lumtur qe te dyve.
Sot sdi pse mendova per ty,por kujtova diten kur u njohem bashke.Gjithmone me thoje ;-sa shume mban mend dhe ti-, e tani *e kuptoj qe ke patur te drejte.Ca dite apo data duhen harruar sa do e veshtire per ti fshire nga kujtesa.
Historia jone filloi..........vazhdoi......perfundoi me nje puthje te ftohte.
Sot do doja te te pyesja: A ja vleu sadopak ajo qe bere??
Per Jeten...
Jeta eshte shume e shkurter per tu marre me hakmarrje,mbushu me aromen e jetes,ndjeje dashurine,kujdesin,miresin e,qendro dhe perballu me problemet pa u trembur dhe me durim,Respektoi njerezit dhe me te moshuarit/at shko takoi shpesh here sepse neser mund mos te jene me,Shprehja ndjenjat nese vertet e ndjen dikujt sot sepse neser mund te jete teper vone..Gjej kurajo dhe buzeqesh edhe kur dhimbjet t
a kane lodhur shpirtin.ndoshta mund te jete buzeqeshja me e bukur qe kullon nga pastertia e shpirtit....Tregohu mirnjohes per te Shendetin qe zoti te fal c'do dite dhe per te gjitha gjerat,dhe njerezit qe te rrethojne,mos i humb shpresat,puno me djerse dhe durim edhe per ato qe nuk ke per ti fituar,mos e nenvlereso veten perpara askujt dhe mos ler askend te te shkeli me kembe....Mos u hakmerr ndaj askujt,fali por mos harro,Kujdes vetem njerezit qe kane nje zemer te madhe e bejne kete gje jo te gjithe...Dhuroi dikujt nje buzeqeshje qe nuk e ka patur ndonjehere......Ndihmoje dike nese ke mundesi...pa interes,zoti ta shperblen ne krahe te tjera...Edhe kur nuk ke shume leke mos u deshpero ka shume qe kane lekun dhe s'kane shendetin...ji mirnjohes dhe lere Aromen e jetes te te preki ne shpirt..Dhe ec ne rrugen tende le te jete e gabuar..por duhet te jete unike...mos shkel KURRE ne gjurmet e te tjereve!...:).!♥ BaBa_ReCorD ♥
Kadare, Çmim për “humorin e zi dhe ironinë Kafkiane”
Tiranë – Shkrimtari i shquar shqiptar, Ismail Kadare, është fituesi i një tjetër çmimi, kësaj here për sensin e humorit të zi dhe ironisë kafkiane në letërsinë e tij.![kadare](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_tpSrkPv6TZMupknZLsoUNVcMixiQ0a3Bu76est-RsK27tuSFXyfNWH2lSAqcEm05N6pHC7B7cNM5JGscycZ8bpwrP6d_Aq3NgVZoV7StMxNWjQYFPJRolBhz9UzsI2UKNoxQ=s0-d)
Drejtori i Javës Ndërkombëtare të Letërsisë dhe Artit Humoristik “La Risa de Bilbao”, shkrimtari Juan Bas, ka deklaruar se çmimi i këtij festivali do t’i akordohet shkrimtarit shqiptar, fitues i çmimit “Princi i Asturias” dhe kandidat për çmimin “Nobel”, Ismail Kadare, që përmes një “humori të zi dhe kafkian” ka denoncuar “barbarinë në Shqipëri”.
Edicioni i tretë i këtij festivali do të zhvillohet nga data 2-7 tetor dhe ka zgjedhur si këndvështrim të këtij viti humorin si një armë sa mbrojtjeje, ashtu edhe sulmi kundër “barbarisë në formën e totalitarizmit, terrorizmit, margjinalizim kulturor.”.
Kadare pritet të jetë i pranishëm në ceremoninë e dhënies së çmimit, në gjashtë tetor dhe do të flasë përpara publikut, bashkë me shkrimtaren Carmen Posadas. Në këtë edicion, do të zhvillohen edhe tri sesione mbi temën “Dialogu mes shkrimtarëve”
Dance is an
experiment, an experiment to bring your body, your mind and your soul in tune.
Dance is one of the most rhythmic phenomena. If you are really dancing, there
is no other activity, which creates such unity. If you are sit
you are not using your body, you are only using your mind. If you are running
very fast, if your life is in danger, you are only using your body; you are not
using your mind. If you are dancing you are neither sitting not running for
your life. Dance is movement, a joyful movement. The body is moving, the energy
is flowing, the mind is moving, and the mind is flowing. And when these are all
flowing they melt into each other. You become psychosomatic. A certain alchemy
stars happening.
Good Relationship
A good relationship is one someone ACCEPTS your PAST SUPPORTS your Present and ENCOURAGES your Future
Caste qe s'harrohen kurre!:)...
Të gjithë kemi nevoj për disa xheste të ngrohëta apo fjalë të thëna me sinqeritet!C'do njeri i urren Lamtumirat por fatkeqësisht vet jeta është një zhgënjim përderisa perfundon një ditë duke na larguar nga njerëzit tonë më të dashur...
Dua të jëtë ky një xhest human,njerëzor i dashur dhe i thjeshtë për të dhënë shumë mesazhe,fjalë të cilat nuk mund ti thuash dot me goj...Caste të paharrueshme që nuk mund të përshkruajnë dot fjalët...
Ato janë të ngrohta të thjeshta dhe Njerëzore Ato janë përqafimet të cilat na japin ndjesitë si një mbështetje se nuk jemi vetëm,një dashuri e sinqertë që nuk mund të na e japi kushdo por vetëm njerëzit e veçantë të cilët-at dinë të dëgjojnë zemrën tonë edhe në heshtje...
Thjesht kjo edhe me një Përqafim...! ♥ BaBa_ReCorD ♥
Horoskopi i dites se Djele Date 23 Shtator 2012
Duhet te beni cmos gjate kesaj dite qe jeta juaj ne cift te jete e qete dhe te mos keni konflikte. Tregohuni pak me tolerante. Beqaret do perfitojne nga liria e tyre dhe do dalin pa pushim me miqte. Nuk do e ndieni aspak nevojen e dikujt. Me shpenzimet beni kujdes. Nese e teproni do e cekuilibroni buxhetin dhe situata mund te behet katastrofike. Kujdes!
Do ia plotesoni te gjitha deshirat atij qe keni ne krah sot dhe do ndiheni edhe vete me mire. Ai nga ana tjeter do iu beje nje surprize te bukur ne mbremje. Beqaret do jene edhe me sharmante e joshes. Do e keni te lehte ta beni per vete personin qe iu pelqen. Financat do jene te ekuilibruara dhe asgje nuk do mund ta ndryshoje dot kete situate. Me ne fund do jeni te qete.
Jeta sentimentale e cifteve nuk do kete ndonje gje shume te vecante duke qene se asnje planet nuk do ndikoje tek ta. Lidhja mund te thellohet dhe do flisni qetesisht me njeri tjetrin. Beqaret do jete ne favorizuar. Nese keni dashur gjithmone te terhiqni vemendjen e te tjereve do ia arrini qellimit. Mos i besoni shume intuites sot ne planin financiar por matuni mire para se te hidhni cdo hap.
Do ndiheni shume mire me ate qe keni ne krah sot dhe nuk do hezitoni te merrni vendime per te ardhmen. Lumturia do iu rrethoje ne cdo moment. Beqaret do takojne persona te rinj. Mundesite per te filluar nje histori interesante do jene te shumta keshtu qe perfitoni sa me shume qe te mundni. Ne planin financiar do keni permiresim te buxhetit dhe do iu jepet mundesia te shpenzoni me teper.
Gjithcka do shkoje me se miri sot si per ciftet e sapoformuar ashtu edhe per ata qe kane shume kohe bashke. Do i pranoni me lehte mendimet e partnerit dhe do i jepni atij me shume besim. Beqaret do shfrytezojne cdo mundesi per te joshur. Kujdes, mos genjeni sepse do jete ne demin tuaj. Mos merrni iniciativa te pamenduara ne planin financiar dhe menaxhojeni me mire buxhetin tuaj.
Pas nje periudhe te veshtire ne jeten ne cift, do te rikthehet serish qetesia. Do i shihni gjerat me pozitivizem. Vertet ai qe keni ne krah nuk eshte perfekt, por duke qene se as ju nuk jeni, tregohuni me tolerante. Nese ju beqare doni te beni dike per vete, filloni te diskutoni me te per tema interesante. Ne planin financiar do keni te gjitha mundesite te arrini te stabilizoni buxhetin.
Klima do jete e favorshme per beqaret e te dy sekseve. Do komunikoni me shume me njeri tjetrin dhe do afroheni me teper. Meshkujt do pergatisin edhe disa surpriza per partneret e tyre. Beqaret edhe sot nuk do kene fat per te takuar personin qe kane enderruar. Plutoni do iu ndihmoje te permiresoni buxhetin. Do i menaxhoni me mire parate qe keni dhe nuk do beni shpenzime te tejskajshme.
Jeta juaj ne cift do kete nje permiresim te ndjeshem gjate kesaj dite. Rutina do te largohet dhe me ne fund do perjetoni emocione te reja. Beqaret do njihen me dike mjaft interesant por do iu duhet te bejne disa zgjedhje te veshtira. Mendohuni mire dhe beni ate qe iu leverdis me teper. Ne planin financiar duhet te tregoheni me te matur se kurre nese nuk doni qe buxheti te destabilizohet.
Jo gjithcka do shkoje ashtu si e kishit menduar ne jeten ne cift, por gjithsesi Venusi do iu ndihmoje t’i jepni pak ngjyre kesaj dite. Te shumte do jene ata qe do kene veshtiresi sentimentale apo edhe seksuale. Beqaret do kene surpriza mjaft te kendshme. Pranojini ftesat per takime. Plutoni mund te sjelle probleme ne planin financiar gjate kesaj dite. Beni shume kujdes!
Asgje e vecante nuk do ndodhe ne jeten sentimentale te cifteve sot. Vetem Marsi mund te sjelle disa keqkuptime, por qe do kalojne sa hap e mbyll syte. Nese jeni beqare do keni surpriza mjaft te kendshme. Ka mundesi te takoni dike interesant qe do iu beje menjehere per vete. ulni shpenzimet qe financat te mos dobesohen. Disa te aferm do iu mbeshtesin qe te kryeni operacionet e deshiruara.
Klima ne cift do jete mjaft e ngrohte dhe me diell. Bashkepunimi dhe mirekuptimi do te mbreteroje gjate gjithe dites. Beqaret, nepermjet punes se tyre mund te njihen me dike qe do i beje te dridhen. Mos keni frike te hidhni ndonje hap me tej dhe te njiheni ne nje plan tjeter me te. Financat do jene shume te mira dhe ju do mund te stabilizoni buxhetin. Shlyeni edhe borxhet qe keni.
Jeta juaj ne cift do mbrohet gjate gjithe dites nga planetet. Ju do ndiheni mire dhe do e forconi bashkepunimin me partnerin. Ka mudnesi qe edhe lumturia t’iu pushtoje ne disa momente. Beqaret do kene takime por nuk duhet te fillojne nje lidhje. Prisni edhe pak. Ne planin financiar do perballeni me veshtiresi. Shpenzoni me kursim dhe beni nje riorganizim te buxhetit.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
U like That?!:)
That's amore! Sharon Stone and toyboy beau Martin Mica can't keep their hands off each other at Milan fashion store opening
That's amore! Sharon Stone and toyboy beau Martin Mica can't keep their hands off each other at Milan fashion store opening
She may be 57-years-old but youthful-looking Sharon Stone could easily pass for a woman less than half her age .
So perhaps its no surprise then that her relationship with toyboy beau Martin Mica is going so swimmingly.
The 27-year-old male model couldn't keep his hands off the Basic Instinct star as they attended the Just Cavalli fashion store opening on Friday night in Milan
Leona Lewis unveils new song 'Stop the Clocks' - listen
Leona Lewis has unveiled a new song from her upcoming album Glassheart.
The former X Factor contestant recently released the title track from the album, which will be her third studio release. Lewis has now issued a new song called 'Stop the Clocks', co-written by Emeli Sandé, reports The Lava Lizard.
Earlier this month, Lewis released a music video for her current single 'Trouble', starring Teen Wolf actor Colton Hayes.
Glassheart is released on October 15 in the UK.
Its lead single 'Trouble' will hit iTunes on October 7.
The former X Factor contestant recently released the title track from the album, which will be her third studio release. Lewis has now issued a new song called 'Stop the Clocks', co-written by Emeli Sandé, reports The Lava Lizard.
Earlier this month, Lewis released a music video for her current single 'Trouble', starring Teen Wolf actor Colton Hayes.
Glassheart is released on October 15 in the UK.
Its lead single 'Trouble' will hit iTunes on October 7.
Tulisa: 'People think I'm a bitch, but I'm not'
Tulisa Contostavlos has claimed that people often have the wrong impression of her.
The X Factor judge explained that she is mistakenly branded a bitch because her difficult upbringing forced her to be "tough".
"I had a bad time but got through it by not letting everything get to me," she told The Mirror. "I spend most of my life being tough, but there is a downside - a lot of people think I'm a bitch. I'm not.
"Every now and again I'll shut myself away and cry. If there's something that's bothering me - like a load of nasty remarks on Twitter - sometimes crying can be the best release."
She added: "I really want to have kids. I'll get married and because of the way I grew up, having a baby will be a massive deal for me."
Tulisa also described being voted FHM's 'Sexiest Woman in the World' "embarrassing", insisting that there are "a lot more beautiful girls out there".
She recently defended the chart position of her latest single 'Live It Up', which reached number 11 on Sunday's (September 16) chart.
The X Factor judge explained that she is mistakenly branded a bitch because her difficult upbringing forced her to be "tough".
"I had a bad time but got through it by not letting everything get to me," she told The Mirror. "I spend most of my life being tough, but there is a downside - a lot of people think I'm a bitch. I'm not.
"Every now and again I'll shut myself away and cry. If there's something that's bothering me - like a load of nasty remarks on Twitter - sometimes crying can be the best release."
She added: "I really want to have kids. I'll get married and because of the way I grew up, having a baby will be a massive deal for me."
Tulisa also described being voted FHM's 'Sexiest Woman in the World' "embarrassing", insisting that there are "a lot more beautiful girls out there".
She recently defended the chart position of her latest single 'Live It Up', which reached number 11 on Sunday's (September 16) chart.
Amanda Bynes charged with driving on suspended licence
© Rex Features
The Easy A actress was pulled over by police last Sunday (September 16) at Burbank Airport and had her car impounded.
When the officers checked her licence, they discovered that it was suspended, and Bynes received a ticket.
The 26-year-old has now been charged with two counts of driving with a suspended license, following another incident that occurred just minutes earlier at the airport, according to TMZ.
The former Nickelodeon star is also facing a charge of DUI and two counts of misdemeanour hit-and-run, for which she faces up to a year in jail if convicted.
It was reported on Friday that Bynes has been dropped by her lawyer, agent and publicist in the wake of her alleged driving altercations.
Demi Lovato: 'Rehab was like prison'
X Factor USA judge Demi Lovato has opened up about her treatment for an eating disorder, saying that therapy felt like "a prison".
The star told talkshow host Katie Couric that coming to terms with her imposed surroundings was "so difficult at first".
I remember walking around saying 'I'm in prison!'" she revealed during an interview for Katie, which airs on Monday (September 24).
"They needed to have those strict rules in order for me to understand how sick I was. I wasn't allowed to use the bathroom by myself.
"We had specific phone times. There are tons of things you weren't allowed to have; you weren't allowed to have certain hair products or whatever that you could injure yourself with or possibly drink and you were just stripped of a lot of things."
Lovato - who has spoken out about her struggles with self harm and her diagnoses of bipolar disorder and bulimia - admitted that mealtimes posed the biggest challenge during her recovery.
"I also had someone watching over me every single time I ate," she said. "If I didn't finish what was on my plate - and often... I would cry because I physically couldn't stomach it - if that happened I would have to have little consequences.
"Nothing horrible, just not being able to go to the cafeteria to eat."
The star told talkshow host Katie Couric that coming to terms with her imposed surroundings was "so difficult at first".
I remember walking around saying 'I'm in prison!'" she revealed during an interview for Katie, which airs on Monday (September 24).
"They needed to have those strict rules in order for me to understand how sick I was. I wasn't allowed to use the bathroom by myself.
"We had specific phone times. There are tons of things you weren't allowed to have; you weren't allowed to have certain hair products or whatever that you could injure yourself with or possibly drink and you were just stripped of a lot of things."
Lovato - who has spoken out about her struggles with self harm and her diagnoses of bipolar disorder and bulimia - admitted that mealtimes posed the biggest challenge during her recovery.
"I also had someone watching over me every single time I ate," she said. "If I didn't finish what was on my plate - and often... I would cry because I physically couldn't stomach it - if that happened I would have to have little consequences.
"Nothing horrible, just not being able to go to the cafeteria to eat."
'X Factor' hopeful Clapz 'had sex with contestant at Boot Camp'
X Factor hopeful James Nti has claimed that he recently had sex with a fellow contestant at their hotel.
The singer - also known as Clapz Shizzayne - allegedly got together with an unknown female member of one of the groups after their first day of filming.
The singer - also known as Clapz Shizzayne - allegedly got together with an unknown female member of one of the groups after their first day of filming.
Football legend Diego Maradona, 51, and his girlfriend Veronica Ojeda expecting first child together
Football legend Diego Maradona is set to become a father again.
The Argentine star's girlfriend Veronica Ojeda,33, confirmed that the pregnancy reports are true to an Argentine website.
The 34-year-old beauty told Ciudad.com that she is four months pregnant with their first child.
The couple are thought to have been trying for another baby since Veronica miscarried in January 2010.
Maradona, 51, whose infamous Hand of God goal helped put England out of the 1986 World Cup, had two daughters with ex-wife Claudia Villafane.
The youngest, Giannina, is married to Man City star Sergio Aguero and made Maradona a granddad in February 2009 by giving birth to son Benjamin in Madrid.
Hoff of the Manor: David Hasselhoff and girlfriend Hayley Roberts dress up as a Lord and Lady in cheesy shoot for her birthday
He made a name for himself dressing up as a lifeguard in the 90s hit show Baywatch.
And it seems that David Hasselhoff just can't get enough of playing dress up.
This time he's got his former shop-assistant girlfriend Hayley Roberts in on the act, as the pair dress up as Lord and Lady of the Manor to celebrate her birthday.
David, who has come to be known simply as The Hoff, wore a pair of beige trousers tucked into a pair of knee-high brown boots.
He completed his aristocratic look with a khaki jacket over a shirt and tie, although he may have found the tie too constraining as he also posed open necked.
Jessica Wright proves bras to support bigger busts can be sexy as she models for lingerie brand Alexis Smith
Alexis Smith used to despair when she shopped for lingerie on the British High Street. She could never find sexy styles to fit her slim black and big breasts, finding bras to support bigger cup sizes were often unfeminine and frumpy.
So she took matters into her own hands and launched her own lingerie brand. The company, founded in her name in 2010, aims to show 'big boobs are beautiful.'
And she's found the perfect person to promote this message was in The Only Way Is Essex star Jessica Wright, a size 8-10 with a 32DD bra size.
That's only half the kit! Rihanna takes to the stage wearing tiny gold basketball dress and shows off her derriere as she forgets shorts
She recently changed her haircut but her wild child attitude and raunchy stage presence has clearly stayed the same.
Rihanna entertained the crowds at the 2012 iHeartRadio Music Festival at the MGM Grand Garden Arena, in typical fashion on Friday night.
The 24-year-old showed off her legs and a little bit more as she took to the stage wearing what appeared to be just a basketball jersey with nothing on her bottom half.
Keeping Up with the Kardashians? Kim catches up on front-page news about her famous family as she leaves Australia
She's been apart from her famous family since she headed Down Under to promote her QuickTrim weight-loss product last week.
But rather than calling her elder sister Kourtney to catch up on her gossip, Kim Kardashian decided reading a magazine would be the best way to learn what her siblings have been up to as she prepared to jet out of Melbourne Airport on Friday.
Gathering snacks and reading material for the long trip home, the 31-year-old socialite was seen perusing several celebrity tabloids, including an OK! Magazine cover featuring Kourtney.
'I really want to have kids': Tulisa wants to find her soul mate and raise a family
Tulisa Contostavlos has built herself a reputation for being a bit of a hard nosed streetwise girl.
However, despite the girl power attitude the X Factor judge has admitted she has very sweet dreams of finding Mr Right.
The 24-year-old wants to find her soul mate, get married and start raising a family all in the next four years.
She told Saturday’s TV Magazine: 'I really want to have kids.
'I’ll get married and, because of the way I grew up, having a baby will be a massive deal for me.'
The N-Dubz band member has been single since splitting with Skins actor Jack O'Connell earlier this year, but fears men won't approach her because of her tough persona.
She said: 'Even if I like someone and I'm fluttering my eyelashes, they still run a mile. So I wouldn't have dates if I didn't approach people.
'That's why I go for really tough lads because only they can handle it.'
On cloud nine: Ronan Keating and new love Storm Uechtritz go for a romantic stroll while she shows off legs in short skirt
Ronan Keating and TV producer Storm Uechtritz have been seen out together flaunting their new relationship status for the first time since confirming that they were dating.
The Boyzone singer and the beautiful blonde were relaxing in the sunshine as they took a leisurely stroll around Sydney, Australia, on Wednesday.
Ronan, 35, looked completely relaxed as he took his new woman out for a casual walk while she took full advantage of the warm weather and showed off her legs.
Isla Fisher hates spoiled Borats
His missus Isla Fisher reckons the world is packed with “spoiled white women”.
The actress said: “There’s a Peter Pan generation of women who haven’t had to grow up, who feel like the world owes them something.
“They’re rich and white and spoiled and they expect everything while doing nothing.
“They’re the end of civilisation, these women.”
Tough words.
Isla never said anything that damning when she played Shannon in Home And Away.
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